After hearing so many raving reviews on Dennis Lehane's books round the blogosphere, I figured I should start with Shutter Island because of the atmospheric setting, especially when it takes place in a gloomy mental facility in a remote island. What can you expect from the criminally insane, and where will you run should you need to hide and/or escape? Yes I could definitely sense suspense and great intensity before I read it; and my only regret is I wished I had read it earlier! (Read my review here.)
Anyways, I was thrilled when I knew there is a film adaption of Shutter Island. It thrilled me more when I learned Leonardo DiCaprio took the leading role of Teddy Daniels because honestly I think his acting is great and convincing. He is definitely not the same Leonardo DiCaprio when he first played Jack in Titanic; he has matured not only of his looks but also on his performance. I find the performances of the rest of the characters in Shutter Island are pretty good too, in particularly to Ben Kingsley for his role of the head psychiatrist Dr. John Cawley. I have to confess that Ben Kingsley fits the image of Dr. John Cawley when I first pictured this character while reading the book.
I find the flashback scenes of the war can be a bit confusing to some who has not read the book (e.g. my dear husband). When I asked him if he could foresee the ending, he said he has not expected that at all. Overall, I was quite satisfied with the cinematography and the effects on certain scenes are actually stunning (e.g. the scene where Rachel Solando (played by Emily Mortimer) covered in blood with the dead children on her feet). Needless to say, I enjoyed the movie but of course that experience could not be compared (and is not the same as) with the book. The only thing I want to complain about the movie experience is the distractions caused by a couple sitting next to me; usually I don't care what they do with each other but disturbing the audience when their cellphones rang during the middle of the show is a real spoilsport.
Have you read the book and/or watch the movie? Do share your thoughts with me.
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