Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Blogger Unplugged (and an award)

As from tomorrow onwards, I am taking my leave off from work so that means I have more time to spend with my family. With two young children at home, I have no idea if I am able to squeeze some time off for my reading and blogging so I guess the Blogger Unplugged Challenge (hosted by Beth Fish Reads and Devourer of Books) is fitting to me at this time.

I have only a few scheduled posts lined up and though I may not be able to visit your blogs (who knows? I might be able to pop by your blog once in a while), please know that I will be thinking of you. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog, and I shall see you in 2010.

Here's wishing everyone a Happy Holidays!

I want to thank Alice of Hello, My Name is Alice for passing on this award to me. Don't you think the button is beautiful? I love the design!

The rule: Nominate seven other bloggers and then tell everybody seven things about yourself.

Well, I can easily share with you seven things about myself but it sure is hard to nominate only seven bloggers!

Let me start off the easy task first:

  1. I love watching romantic comedies (I got a DVD - Serendipity starring John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale last week. Oh, I loved this movie!).
  2. I have only watched a movie alone in a cinema once.
  3. My favourite sandwich is Subway's Veggie Delite with lots of honey mustard sauce (minus the onions and chillies).
  4. When I was a child, my favourite cartoon character is Strawberry Shortcake.
  5. I have a driving licence but I don't drive (don't have a car too).
  6. My very first pen pal is a girl from Vienna, Austria. Unfortunately, we have lost touch many years ago.
  7. I have an idol lately, and he is none other than the Taiwanese renowned magician, Lu Chen (He won the Taiwan's Youth Magic Contest which was judged by world-famous magician, David Copperfield at the age of 12). I have just finished reading his autobiography and it was an inspirational read.

And now, I am passing this award to the following blogger friends who I think is beautiful in all ways (in no particular order):

~ Julia of Julia's Books Corner
~ Debi of Nothing of Importance
~ Trish of Trish's Reading Nook
~ Nymeth of Things Mean A Lot
~ Wendy of Musings of a Bookish Kitty
~ Violet of Violet Crush
~ Sandy of You've Gotta Read This ...

... and back to you, Alice!

To my other blogger friends who are not on the list, I want to tell you that you too are beautiful and I wish the rule will extend to a 100 bloggers instead of seven.

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