Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Everyday Supplements Award

Here are the rules:

  1. Pass this award on to the blogs that are in your daily "must read" list.
  2. Name the blog/owners and tell us why the blog(s) is/are like your "everyday supplements".
  3. The blogs that are awarded are automatically tagged to do the meme. So this keeps the circle going and hopefully, we will be able to introduce one another with some life-enriching reads.
  4. Optional: You can also include public blogs that are updated weekly/monthly but one(s) that you religiously follow during every update.
First and foremost, I want to thank Alice of Hello, My Name Is Alice for passing this award to me. Although I could not recall when we were first acquainted (Is it through Booking Through Thursday? Well, I tend to have a short memory!), I find her friendliness, her cheerfulness and her positive outlook both in her work and life are inspiring and all these have left me a deep impression. And of course, not to mention she is a bibliophile too and I always am in awe of her reading speed. Oh yes, she takes good pictures too! [Alice, thank you so much for this award and for your friendship! I am passing this award back to you! :-)]

Now I will pass this award to every one of you (take a look at my blogroll) because you all are my "everyday supplements" (And here I am still discovering more bookbloggers and adding them along the way). Although I may not comment on every blog but I do visit them regularly; and each and every of them are special and a joy to read.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for stopping by and comment on my blog. It always pleases me to read your comments - no matter if they are long or short, or even just to say hello. Thank you!

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