Thursday, February 23, 2012

11 Question Meme

Wow! It’s been a long while since I have done a meme; a meme which is non-books related but more on yourself and your life. I love reading other readers’ answers, and yeah I love playing along too. So, when the lovely Trish tagged me for this, I just knew I wouldn’t say no. Here goes…

1 You must post the rules.
2 Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.
3 Tag eleven people and link to them on your post.
4 Let them know you’ve tagged them!

Trish’s questions:
1. What app do you love above all others? Not an app person? What about website?
I love the greatness and the fun of apps, but seriously I don’t seek them and I will download those which are useful to me. I do download some games sometimes, but not many though.

2. Describe your dream profession (sky is the limit).
I don’t know about you, but I suppose dream profession changes as we get older, or am I the only one who think of that? When I was a child, I dreamt of becoming a scientist. When I reached adolescent, I dreamt of becoming an architect because I think people who created those beautiful skyscrapers are such a genius! When I stepped out to the society to work, I wanted to become a graphic designer (well I was an Arts student during my high school time). Due to that interest, I pursued a part-time course while working in my second job but didn’t venture further. At that time, I was thinking that interest and career don’t mix, but perhaps I was wrong. Right now, if you ask me about my dream job, I will just say, be my own boss. Ha!

3. Appetizers or dessert?
Definitely dessert!

4. If you could be BFF with any fictional character, who would you choose?
Wow, so many to choose from and yet my mind is blank at the moment.

5. I say BLUE. What immediately comes to mind?
Beach. I just want to take a vacation, right now!

6. Favorite song to blast and sing in your car with the windows down?
Probably some songs from Debbie Gibson or Bananarama. I’m a fan of the 80s.

7. What fashion fad makes you hang your head in shame?
I don’t know, maybe jeans in loud colours, like bright orange or lime green?

8. What are your thoughts on 80s Hair Bands--specifically Monster Ballads?
Not a huge fan, but I don’t hate them either.

9. What is a book you wanted to throw across the room? What is one you wanted to hug?
Perhaps the book which I’m reading right now – Asylum by Patrick McGrath. Don’t get me wrong, the writing style and the plot is great! In fact, I’m enjoying reading it. It’s just that I couldn’t understand why a normal, psychiatrist’s wife would want to get involved with a mentally disturbed patient. Bored? Love struck? I don’t know. I suppose I’d find out why the more I read it.

As for the one I wanted to hug, I’ve to say it’s A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. It is such a tender yet a powerfully, thought-provoking story I’d read in a while. That said, I also want to hug Connor O’Malley, the boy who is faced with his own personal demons and came out strong in that story.

10. Imagine you are an aerobics instructor--what song must be on your playlist?
Relight My Fire by Take That.

11. What's for dinner tonight?
No idea. It’s always grocery shopping on a Friday night so we usually eat out. I guess it’d have to depend on the malls we decide to go and what eating outlets they have over there. I’ve got a feeling that I may have a Veggie Delite sandwich and cream of mushroom from Subway this evening, hehe.

Bonus: What's your favorite go-to lipstick (including color)
Revlon lipstick. Mauve colour.

And here are my questions:
1. Who’s your idol? It can be anyone and don’t have to be a celebrity or a public figure.
2. If you can be someone famous, who do you like to be?
3. What are your favourite TV shows or movies?
4. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Why?
5. Popcorns. Sweet or salty? Why?
6. Facebook or Twitter? Why?
7. What are your pet peeves?
8. Where do you like to go on a vacation?
9. Your most wonderful memories you had last year.
10. What’s your favourite holiday?
11. Finally, I couldn’t resist asking a bookish question: Would you read a book which has received lots of hype and positive reviews, even though the storyline isn’t what you like to read?

I’m tagging:
8. Ti
10. Carrie
11. Ryan

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