ISBN-13: 9789881753267
Publisher: 天苑文化
Published: 2008
Format: Paperback, 228pp
Source: Author
女主角蓝莉喜欢穿Lolita style的服饰;为了喜爱的服饰她在一家化妆品牌柜台当推销员。除了推销产品,她的梦想就是到英国念化妆课程。自小她就恋上了一种气味; 这个气味使她联想到父亲的气味。虽然她不知道她的亲生父亲是谁,但是她在母亲接客的大多数男人中都嗅到了这个气味,所以就认定了它就是父亲的味道。
男主角林正 (注: 因为是繁体版,读者不知怎么拼男主角的名字。既然他的名字有个‘正’字在下,所以就干脆叫他‘林正’了。) 的职业是名小提琴和钢琴教师。为了这份工作,他不惜劳累奔波到学生们的住家教课。他在一次偶然中遇见了蓝莉,而蓝莉因他的气味而恋上了他。两人就这样顺其自然地走在一起。
It has been a while since I read a Chinese novel, thus when the author contacted me and asked if I wanted to do a review for her two books, I said yes and on top of that, I was intrigued by the blurbs.
Though Breaking Up on a Sunny Day is a romance, there is also a theme between a mother and daughter relationship, and a story about scent and taste (read further and you’ll know why).
Lan Li has a passion for Lolita fashion. In fact, she loves them so much so that she joined a cosmetics brand which has the same style for their uniforms. Aside from this passion, her dream is to visit England and to pursue studies on makeup and cosmetics there. Since she was a child, she had a liking for one particular scent; this scent reminds her of her father though she has no idea who her father is. Many men who came to look for her mother shared this same scent and thereafter she would link this scent to her father as it always make her think about him.
You Er, on the other hand, has a passion for cakes and desserts. Not only she has a passion for those, but she loves making cakes and desserts too. One of her most unforgettable moments from childhood is having tea at a hotel with her mother and they were both sharing a pot of tea and a slice of cake. Unfortunately, her mother died in an automobile accident right after they left the hotel. Her mother’s death shattered her and through memories she vows to find that happiness she had had with her mother.
Lin Zheng, the hero in this story, is a teacher who teaches violin and piano. He would travel around Hong Kong to conduct lessons at his students’ home and though the job is hectic at times, he is quite satisfied and happy with his life. He and Lan Li met each other during a chance encounter and it is through him that Lan Li has found the scent that she has been looking for all this while (Lin Zheng would help out at his father’s barber’s shop at times). Needless to say, they fell in love shortly after.
You Er moved out from her father’s house to find freedom and independence. Through an advertisement, she rented a room from Lan Li and they became good friends. However, their relationship changed after You Er met Lin Zheng .
You Er didn’t mean to fall in love with Lin Zheng initially, and likewise Lin Zheng has no special feelings towards You Er, but after the time they have been together as friends their relationship started to blossom. Although Lin Zheng loves Lan Li, he finds he is more at ease with You Er as compared to the woman whom he thinks he is in love with.
Breaking Up on a Sunny Day tells a bittersweet love story between three people and lead readers to wonder about the complexity (and simplicity?) of love. Through the thoughts and behaviours of these three characters, this story highlighted the feelings and the dilemmas many couples face when they are in a relationship, e.g. if you love a person, how do you ensure that the love and attention you are giving to the other party is just right and not overwhelming? Is it even possible to create a balance and find the happiness that you want? Perhaps. But I have to say I have a better understanding of love and happiness after reading this book, and I think maybe those two aren’t as complicated and hard to achieve as we have thought.
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