This week's Top Ten topic, from the brilliant bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish, is Top Ten Minor Characters. It's interesting that this topic came up this week, as I am finally reading The Eyre Affair, which is full of talk about minor characters and how taking them out of books is a crime. I'm going to try not to let this list devolve into Top Ten Sidekicks Redux, but I admit to having trouble thinking of enough minor characters to fill a whole list...besides, there are no small parts, only small actors, or something like that...
10. Octavia, Venia, and Falvius from The Hunger Games-These three were Katniss's prep team for the Hunger Games, and along with her stylist Cinna were in charge of getting her support from wealthy capitol residents. I'm not sure why I found them so charming-they are completely shallow and not that bright, but something about them just struck me as endearing.
9. Robin Castagna, from Jonathan Kellerman's Alex Delaware series-Robin is Alex's love interest, a musician who makes and restore guitars and other stringed instruments. She provides the perfect compliment to Delaware's rather driven nature. I was so upset when they split for a couple of books, but they are back together and all is right with the world.
8. Neville Longbottom from Harry Potter-Poor Neville! He just couldn't seem to catch a break, could he? And I only loved him more after I found out what happened to his parents. Such a sad story!
7. Fletch, from Bitter is the New Black by Jen Lancaster-OK, so he's a real person, and therefore not minor in the least, but I love reading about him as Jen writes about him. He appears rather saintly, putting up with her snarkiness. I admit to being convinced that Jen and I are destined to meet on the streets of Chicago and become besties, and then I would get to meet the sainted Fletch in person!
6. The Town of Niniltna and The Park, from Dana Stabenow's Kate Shugak series-I realize that choosing the whole town is a bit of a cop out, but there are so many interesting, quirky characters in this series that choosing one is almost impossible. This series makes me want to lace up my mukluks, grab my parka, jump on my snowmobile, and ride down a frozen river.
5. Miss Celia from The Help-Poor trashy Celia! She is so out of her depth in the world of privileged Southern women, and her poor, stupid husband just doesn't seem to get it.
4. Windsor Horne Lockwood III from Harlan Coben's Myron Bolitar series-Win, as he is known, is a rich and powerful child of privilege who is completely amoral but fiercely loyal to the few people he calls friend. What's not to love?
3. Moira, from The Handmaid's Tale-I'm not sure if it is the fact that she was a lesbian, or the fact that she refused to accept her fate as a Handmaid and ran away, but whatever the reason I always felt close to Moira when reading this book. What happens to her is tragic, but I would not have felt it so strongly if I didn't also feel a strong connection to her.
2. Eeyore, from Winnie the Pooh-I know that he is all sad and stuff, but he makes me happy. Perverse, I realize, but there it is.
1. Lucy Farinelli, from the Kay Scarpetta series by Patricia Cornwell-She's slowly become a more major than minor character, but I loved her from her precocious, 10 year old start. Kay's neice, only daughter of her flighty, many-times married sister, Kay has always taken care of Lucy as best she could. Lucy is brilliant, a millionaire by 25, but emotionally stunted, especially after she is sucked in by the manipulative Carrie Grethen, who uses her love to try and kill Scarpetta. She might be my current favorite character from this series.
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