Monday, March 21, 2011

Once Upon a Time Challenge

So I mentioned before that I would not be participating in any more reading challenges, after all I haven't been reading many books for the challenges I had signed up, plus my reading progress has been slow lately. However, I have to make an exception for this particular challenge - Carl V's Once Upon a Time Challenge (OUAT) since I have not participated in this before, plus Carl is a great host and I always have fun with his R.I.P Challenge (which I'm always looking forward to it). And then of course there is always this opportunity to explore new authors and get to know new fellow bookbloggers.

Anyway, OUAT runs from March 21st through June 20th and you have a few options to choose from for this participation. Given my slow reading progress, I decided to sign up for The Journey which I will read at least one book out of the four categories (fantasy, fairy tales, folklore and mythology). As of writing this, I have no idea which title to read but I do have a few in mind:
However, the reading list might change as I can be fickle minded when it comes to my reading, thus we shall see how. If you are new to this reading challenge, I hope you would join in the fun; and if you are not then what are you waiting for?

Note: There won't be a Teaser Tuesdays post today as I'm still reading The Matchmaker of Kenmare by Frank Delaney. Aside from my snail pace reading progress, I also find that the story is a bit slow in my opinion and that it doesn't engage me as much (although I have to say Frank's writing style is lyrical and beautiful!). This book is the sequel to Venetia Kelly's Traveling Show and since I haven't read that book yet, I wonder if this is part of the reason why it affects my experience of reading The Matchmaker of Kenmare. That said, I wouldn't want to call it a DNF at this stage so I shall read a few chapters and see how it goes.

Hope you all have a Happy Tuesday!

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