Welcome to Book Addict Reviews! I hope you find everything to your satisfaction! This great meme is hosted by Crazy-for-Books to give bloggers a chance to find each other.
Tangent: Does anyone else think it's strange that the editing program used by Blogger does not recognize "blogger" as a word? But I digress...
This week we have a question to answer, and that question is...
Tell us about some of your favorite authors and why they are your favorites!
Well, this is a tricky question! There are so many authors I like for so many reasons. There are my favorite authors from when I was a kid, my favorite science fiction authors, fantasy authors, etc...My favorite authors for serious literature and my favorite authors for popcorn book (books that, like popcorn, don't have much substance but are still oddly satisfying). So, I'm going to be completely random and select the first three that pop into my head...
Margaret Atwood-I love her because her books are always full of poetry. Her use of language is so fluid and descriptive. She really just finds the perfect turn of phrase. Also, the whole feminist literature thing is pretty much a turn on for me. Reading The Handmaid's Tale in college literally changed my life, not in some corny self-help way, but just in the way I looked at the politics of marriage and reproduction.
Stephen King-His books are the best brain candy EVER! I started reading him in high school, and when I read Carrie and Pet Semetary I found out how delicious it is to be scared by a story. I really think that his characters are some of the best written in popular fiction, and way more relateable than some characters in books considered more high-brow. Even if he'd only written The Stand and the Dark Tower series, he'd be my hero, but the fact that he is so prolific makes him a great writer to love!
Jen Lancaster-Jen is the only non-fiction author who's books make me squeal with glee! I love her sense of style, her sense of humor, and her sense of self. Bitter is the New Black made me laugh so hard I wet myself (I won't tell you if I mean that literally or not!). Like my other friend crush, Kathy Griffin, I am just sure that Jen and I are destined to bump into each other on the streets of Chicago and become fast friends and she will invite me back to her house to meet Fletch and the animals and we will trade witty, sarcastic remarks about pop culture all night long (OK, I know that sounds stalkerish, but I promise there are no restraining orders in my future).
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