Sunday, June 27, 2010

Why Have One When You Can Have Two?

Any faithful reader of my blog knows that I have been working on master's degree in reading-no, that's not a degree for sitting on your couch with a book (if only!), but a degree that will qualify me to be a reading specialist in a school setting.  As a result, I have rediscovered my love for young adult literature.

This summer is my children's literature course, and one of the assignments is to read six books from a list of options and write reviews for them.  Well, clearly I could write the reviews in my sleep, having had lots of practice over the last year or so.  I am so excited about this class-when it's all said and done I will have read over 20 young adult titles in the next month or so.

I am so excited about those young adult books that I have decided they need their own blog.  So, I've started Second Childhood Reviews.  Like Book Addict Reviews, this site will be where I review all of the YA books I read.  In addition, there will be resources for parents and teachers about how to use the books with their children or in their classroom.  So, if you want to check out what I've done so far, come on over.  I look forward to seeing you there!

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