ISBN-10: 0747546290
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Published: 1999
317 pgs
Harry Potter, along with his best friends, Ron and Hermione, is about to start his third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry can't wait to get back to school after the summer holidays. (Who wouldn't if they lived with the horrible Dursleys?) But when Harry gets to Hogwarts, the atmosphere is tense. There's an escaped mass murderer on the loose, and the sinister prison guards of Azkaban have been called in to guard the school ...
I have to admit I took a longer time to read this book, and the main reason being I got sidetracked by other books (i.e. books that need to be reviewed), or the fact that I had watched the film adaptation of this book a couple of times and I don't feel the rush to get into this book (boy, I was so wrong! How many times have I heard that saying about the books are always better?!
Though I think the movie is pretty well done too). Anyway, it was a delight re-reading this book. So without further ado, here is my self-interview review of the book.
Q: Which is your favourite and least favourite scene? Why?A: Where shall I start? There are so many things happening in this book and once again, I am in awe of the wizarding world that J.K. Rowling created. Right from the beginning, I knew I would be in for a great reading journey the moment I read Harry received the mails/gifts from his friends and that he would be out of the Dursleys family soon the moment he starts his third year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
The scenes about
The Monster Book of Monsters and Harry's encounter with Buckbeak brought a huge grin to my face. I was not at all fascinated with the Dementors and think they are the creepiest thing besides ghosts and anything that goes bump in the night. Surprisingly, I enjoyed reading the part where they attended Professor Trelawney's classes as I was quite intrigued with the tea leaves reading (I googled and found out it is also known as
tasseography, tasseomancy or tassology) as it gives me a refreshing outlook of another fortune telling method besides tarot cards, palmistry or any others.
I especially liked reading the relationships between Harry Potter, Professor Lupin and Sirius Black. I wish I could say more about Sirius Black but I won't because I think it is better off reading about him from the book than having me explaining here anyway (in addition there is one thing that is called 'spoilers' and I don't want to do that to anyone who has not read or watch the movie).
And oh, I also loved the part where Harry and Hermione travel back in time to remedy some of the things and I feel that is another highlight of the book besides Sirius Black.
As for my least favourite scene, I can't think of any at the moment. I guess the above summarize my feelings towards this book - I loved it.
Q: Name a trait which you think we all should learn from any of the characters in this book.
A: I think I had mentioned courage, determination and loyalty in my previous reviews of the first two installments so I won't bring those up again. In fact, after reading this installment I have found another trait in Harry Potter that I feel I should mention and that is - to believe in yourself. I would skip the part about what Harry has done in regards to this trait but I feel this is a great lesson to anyone who has a low self esteem or having no faith in themselves. However, believing in yourself by no means signify arrogance (which is a huge difference) and I think this applies not only to the younger readers but to everyone as well.
Q: Your overall thoughts on this book?
A: I know I have mentioned this but I am going to say it again anyway. I loved it! I just wish the movie has followed every details to the book!
During my review for the previous installment, I had requested some questions from fellow bookbloggers for this review and
Trish asked me this question:
Can I ask you a question that might lead to a spoiler for #3? Who did you think the giant wolf was following Harry around? Does that make sense? Trying to ask my question in a cryptic kind of way in case you haven't finished yet!
Spoiler Alert! Certainly! I believe it is Sirius Black and he is watching over Harry Potter.
What do you think? Am I right or wrong? What's your opinion? I would love to hear them!
Note: Please feel free to ask me any questions for my next review of the fourth installment, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on this post.
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