Wednesday, September 16, 2009

BBAW: Book Recommendations from Fellow Bookbloggers

Can you believe it’s already Day 4 of BBAW? Where has the time gone? Well hopefully you’ve discovered plenty of new book blogs to clog up your RSS feed readers and introduce you to more marvelous books throughout the year! But let’s talk about that book you know, the one you discovered only because you read about it on a book blog and then you realized you couldn’t live without it! And then you read it and you loved it so hard! Tell us about it and about the blogger (or bloggers!) that introduced the book to you!

I bought a lot of books based on fellow bookbloggers' recommendations. Here is a list I read this year (Please click the book titles for my reviews, and the name of the blogs for fellow bookbloggers' reviews):

So these are the books I read and loved so much. I still have a lot of books sitting in my TBR pile recommended by many bookbloggers... I wish I'm able to list them all here!

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