Publisher: Bloomsbury USA
Published: June 2009
352 pgs
I was first introduced to Shannon Hale's work after reading two of her YA novels: The Goose Girl and Enna Burning. Oh, how I loved these books! So after reading them, I had to rush out to buy the rest of her books.
The Actor and the Housewife is one of her adult books that I am most looking forward to so I was beyond thrilled when Bloomsbury sent me a copy for review!
Before I start writing my thoughts about this book, I want to ask you a question: Do you believe in a platonic relationship between a man and a woman? And what happens if he is a celebrity heart-throb and you are a ... well, an ordinary housewife?
When mormon housewife Becky Jack is seven months pregnant with her fourth child, she meets British celebrity heart-throb Felix Callahan when she is going to seal a deal for a script she has written. From there, they exchanged a few witty remarks and after Felix gave Becky a lift and a drink later, they then found out they clicked and a friendship is born!
However, their relationship is an awkward one because not only their life is so different from each other but also of their marital status. Felix is happily married to French model Celeste Bodine and though she does not seem to have any problem with the issue, Becky on the other hand is worried that she might hurt her husband Mike in a way and she assures him that there is nothing going on between her and Felix. She loves him as a best friend and that is about it.
Though there is no romantic love between Felix and Becky, there is something quite special and unusual about their friendship for one party will feel something is amiss if there is no news from the other party. Mike couldn't help that he gets jealous, and this led Becky to take a deep look into her relationship with Felix and wonder if she could have the best of both worlds without hurting anyone along the process.
I had a wonderful reading experience with The Actor and the Housewife because it is both funny and heartwarming. The love between Becky and Mike is so strong that it melts my heart after reading all the things that happened between them. This book had made me laugh, giggle and cry. There are also a few scenes that are extremely emotional but I am not going there to spoil it for you.
As for Felix and Becky, I would think that things would be different if they have met each other earlier but the point is, can a man and a woman remains the best of friends forever? Reading the last few chapters was like a roller coaster ride to me because of the anticipation. In the end, I mulled over the ending and think, that is it. I suppose it depends on how one reader look at it, and that is all I can say about it.
So what do I think of The Actor and the Housewife? I think it is a refreshing and charming tale of a platonic relationship and I do think there is a slight fantasy wisp to it on a certain aspect. And yes, I enjoyed reading it!
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The Bluestocking Society
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