I love fantasy! As for sci-fi, I rarely read them but I do love sci-fi movies (i.e. Star Wars!).One of my favorite sci-fi authors (Sharon Lee) has declared June 23rd Fantasy and Science Fiction Writers Day.
As she puts it:
"So! In my Official Capacity as a writer of science fiction and fantasy, I hereby proclaim June 23 Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Day! A day of celebration and wonder! A day for all of us readers of science fiction and fantasy to reach out and say thank you to our favorite writers. A day, perhaps, to blog about our favorite sf/f writers. A day to reflect upon how written science fiction and fantasy has changed your life."
So … what might you do on the 23rd to celebrate? Do you even read fantasy/sci-fi? Why? Why not?
I think it is great that sci-fi author, Sharon Lee, has declared a day to honour these two genres since it seems to me that they tend to get lesser recognition as compared to other genres.
As for June 23rd, I might want to read a fantasy novel in honor of this celebration but that will depend if I have finished the two books which I am currently reading.
What about you? Do you read fantasy/sci-fi books? What would you do on June 23rd?
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