Sunday, May 31, 2009

Musing Mondays - Sticking With It

Musing Mondays

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about sticking with it…

How much time (or how many pages) do you give a book that you aren't really enjoying before you'll set it aside? If you're reading it for a book group discussion, or for review, will you give it more of a chance then, say, a book you're reading for your own interest? Why, or why not? (courtesy of MizB)

Most of the times, I will continue to read a few more chapters if the story fails to hook me. There are two reasons for doing so: I hate to ditch a book without giving it a second chance; and then of course I am hoping that there will be some turn of events in the story. There are times I came across some books that have a slow beginning, or a premise that doesn't really hook me but as I read further, the plot is getting more interesting or intense that I couldn't toss the books aside. So if I give up a book without giving it another chance, wouldn't I have missed a great story?

However, I do have my limit and if after reading a few more chapters and the story seems to be going nowhere, I will either skim it or just give it up. As for reading the book for a book group discussion or for review, I tend to give it more of a chance to be fair to the other readers or whoever who send me the book so that I have a better view of the book for discussions and et cetera. It would be interesting to hear what other readers have to say about the book, even if some of us didn't really enjoy it.

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