This week's Weekly Geeks:
April 2nd was International Children's Book Day. And April is National Poetry Month. In celebration, I have two lovely options for you this week:
Option A: Be a kid!
You could read a picture book (or two or three) and share what you read.
Write up a post sharing your favorite books from childhood.
Write up a post about reading together with your child(ren).
Option B: Be a poet!
Write your own poem and share with us!
Write bookish ABC poems--ABC's of favorite authors, favorite books, favorite characters, favorite book blogs, or any combination of the above. Maybe even an ABC's of a bibliophile or book addict. (A is for...B is for...etc.)(For example, ABC's of Dr. Seuss)
Review a book you've read recently in haiku. (It doesn't need to be a poetry book you're reviewing, any book will do.) See Emilyreads for an idea of what I mean.
Read a poetry book and review it.
Participate in Poetry Friday (This week's host will be Carol's Corner.)
I chose Option A (reading together with your child).
ISBN-13: 9780763624422
Publisher: Candlewick Press
Published: September 2004
32 pgs
Illustrator: Anita Jeram
I found this book when I was browsing my books at a bookstore yesterday. The title caught my attention, and I bought it knowing that my 5-year-old girl will appreciate it.
Every night, before the three little cubs go to sleep, their Mummy and Daddy bears will tell them that they are the most wonderful baby bears in the world. But one day, the three cubs start to wonder if this is true. After all, they can't be all the best, can they? What if Mommy or Daddy like my brother or sister more than me? One would think.
Through the lovely illustrations by Anita Jeram, she convinces her young readers how different and unique each baby bear is and why they are all so special to Mommy and Daddy. I have to say Anita's illustrations have perfectly captured each bear's sentiment, and from an adult's perspective it really warms my heart.
While reading this story to my daughter, I could tell she was totally engrossed in the story and she was very much taken in by the situation and the expressions of the three little cubs. I am sure she could relate to this story because she has a younger sister who is now 6-months-old and she will sometimes tell us that we are showing more attention to the baby than her. She does love her little sister and is very protective of her, but it is just that she feels a little insecure about it. I suppose this is a stage where each and every elder child will go through, and I am happy this book has made her understand more about the situation and brought us even closer than before.
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