Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Booking Through ThursdayCheck Spelling

Since “Inspiration” is (or should) the theme this week … what is your reading inspired by?

What inspired my reading? Well, there are way too many things that inspired my reading. For starter, I am just fascinated by the simple joy of reading. Reading entitles me to break away from reality for a while and allow me to immerse into the fascinating worlds which the authors created. They can be imaginations or true experiences from the authors; either way there are always something I can learn from them.

I am also inspired by my fellow bookbloggers. They always have great recommendations and even though I do not lack of books with my huge TBR pile, most of the times I am swayed by their recommendations because they give me the opportunity to explore the authors who are new to me, and not to mention books that interest me but I just missed reading them.

And then of course, my reading is inspired by my moods. I can never tell which book I will be reading next. I may have decided on a book to read prior to my current reading, but sometimes I do not stick to it as some other factors may have influenced my choice of reading (e.g. good reviews or ravings from fellow bookbloggers, my favourite authors' books have released, reading challenges and so forth).

So what is your reading inspired by?

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