Stephanie and Bethany have created some pretty buttons to put on our sidebars in memory of Dewey. Also, Becky is taking the lead of doing a Weekly Geeks tribute to Dewey by asking participants to share a favourite memory of her in general; perhaps share some favourite posts from Dewey's site or anything in remembrance of her. (You do not have to be a regular Weekly Geeks participant to do this.)

I could not remember when I first stumbled upon Dewey's blog. I think I may have known her blog through someone's link; I just could not recall since I tend to have a short memory. But I do know I was in awe of her after visited her blog the first time. She was a true avid reader, judging by the number of books she read and reviewed. Besides that, she was such a creative and talented person. I just could not imagine anyone would take on the task of managing several events (i.e. Bookworms Carnival, 24 Hour Read-a-Thon, Graphics Novels Challenge and Weekly Geeks), but Dewey did it! She contributed a lot to this bookblogging community and I have to say without these activities, I would not have known other bookbloggers. It is strange how this community has bonded us together and became part of our life although we may not have the opportunity of meeting in person! It is simply amazing but overall I think this is the meaning and spirit of this bookblogging community. Dewey may have left us, but her efforts and her talents will always be remembered by us all and I am hoping that those events undertaken by her will be continued.
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