NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is celebrating its 10 years of literary abandon this year! Wow, how time flies! For all writing lovers (and to anyone who is interested as well), I am wondering if you have signed up for this big event that is happening in the month of November every year? If you have not, then what are you waiting for?
I first signed up as a member two years ago, and I really enjoyed the fun and the thrill of writing a 50,000-words novel in a month. I could very well remember some of those nights I pounded on the keyboards ferociously as if there is no tomorrow when my husband thought I was insane to do such things to torture myself, haha. But I feel it was a great accomplishment, never mind if the so-called manuscripts have dozens of typographical errors or if they are grammatically incorrect. I still feel I had completed a goal, even though there is no reward but a downloadable certificate and a button to certify that you are a winner!
No matter how much I love to join, unfortunately I would have to give it a miss this year with the new baby and all... (night typing will be replaced by night feeding!) but I will be a good cheerleader and cheer you on!
If you are residing in Singapore, there is a kick-off party on 1st November (Saturday) at 2.30pm-5pm at Geek Terminal (http://www.geekterminal.com/). They have contests, goodie bags (while stocks last) and stickers from the main HQ of Nanowrimo. (Please click here to let the Municipal Liaisons (ML) know you are signing up.)
Have fun and good luck!
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